This is an OFFICIAL site for Hollie GREIG

This is an OFFICIAL site for Hollie GREIG as per the conditions on: &
Anyone wishing to promote Hollie Greig's case is encouraged and requested to prominently link to these 2 Official sites. Thank YOU for any links or help YOU can give.
CAVEAT - Please beware of ALL other sites NOT bearing these words and specific links

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

J4Haae - EVENTS Edinburgh-01-May-2010 & Aberdeen-05-Jun-2010

J4Haae - EVENTS Edinburgh-01-May-2010 & Aberdeen-05-Jun-2010



Protect Children

Expose Paedophiles

Aberdeen, Scotland,
the UK & Worldwide.

Google Hollie Greig

Hollie and Anne Greig are still fighting to get justice for Hollie’s many years of systematic sexual abuse and violation at the hands of an alleged Aberdeen / Scottish paedophile rape gang, who have yet to be questioned and brought to justice by Grampian Police and the Scottish authorities.

Hollie and Anne have been fighting to get justice for 10 long years (since May 2000) and had to flee their home city of Aberdeen in Scotland, to Shropshire in England, as a result of their horrific ordeal and the appalling indifference of the Aberdeen and Scottish authorities, which still continues to this day.

The Scottish Crown Office in Edinburgh (headed by the long-standing Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini), the Scottish First Minister (Alex Salmond MP / MSP), the Scottish “Justice” Secretary (Kenny MacAskill), the Scottish “Government”, the Scottish Secretary of State (Jim Murphy MP), every Aberdeen and Scottish politician, several Westminister / UK politicians (including Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg) and many other prominent individuals and statutory agencies continue to take no action over Hollie’s sickening case, say nothing publicly about it, remain completely silent and do nothing to obtain justice for Hollie and her mother, Anne.

Please help them both get the justice they truly deserve and now rightly demand – for themselves and the other known child abuse victims in this horrific case.

For more information please go to:
(re the planned major gathering for Hollie, which is to take place on Union Street in Aberdeen on Saturday 5 June 2010);
“We won’t allow the state to cover up the Hollie Greig paedophile scandal”
and Google Hollie Greig.

Hollie and Anne Greig have asked that we thank their many supporters and to say that their fight to expose the truth (whole truth and nothing but the truth) and obtain justice continues unabated.

A very special thanks goes out to Robert Green (Hollie and Anne Greig’s main spokesman and chief investigator in this case), Stuart Usher (who has kindly allowed his monthly demos in Edinburgh to mainly focus on Hollie’s case over recent months) and their other close friends as well – you all know who they are!

Any further queries to:

Stuart Usher
“Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers”
Tel: 01835-864-899

Tom George
“Scots Against Injustice”
Tel: 07791-226-490

The next peaceful gathering for Hollie and Anne Greig will take place outside Marks & Spencer on Union Street in Aberdeen from Midday to 3pm on Saturday 5 June 2010.

This is a mass leafleting event and we hope the day will be well supported by the people of Aberdeen and many others from all over Scotland, the UK and worldwide.

Details & Updates can be found at
Leaflet produced for the peaceful gathering for Hollie and Anne Greig in Edinburgh on Saturday 1 May 2010, from Midday to 3pm – at West Parliament Square, in front of St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile (with Scotland’s Court of Session and High Court, the highest courts in the land, as the backdrop to this gathering).

Feel free to copy, print and disseminate this leaflet far and wide.

Many thanks.
Monday 12 April 2010

Scots Against Injustice


To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Do not be afraid of them therefore. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.


IF YOU are organising an OFFICIAL EVENT

it must be on this web site and MUST have


on all advertising so that people KNOW it is an official event.


No Money Collection will take place at ANY Official Event

which is NOT detailed on these TWO web sites

Saturday, 17 April 2010


Please be advised that late on the 16-April-2010
The Palestine Telegraph web site failed for what was believed to be 'Natural Causes'.

We understand that the site was brought up again but subsequently succumbed to a denial of service attack - or so it is believed.

In conversation with the Publication earlier this afternoon we were told that:

'It is NOT believed this was on the grounds of reportage of matters to do with Hollie Greig but due to more significant matters pertaining to weapons and security'.

Currently the web site owners are seeking out more secure hosting they do not believe any data has been lost and we will advise as soon as a new site is up and running.


IF YOU are organising an OFFICIAL EVENT

it must be on this web site and MUST have


on all advertising so that people KNOW it is an official event.


No Money Collection will take place at ANY Official Event

which is NOT detailed on these TWO web sites